
NDSU Roommate Success Stories: Rylan and Tyler

Moving away from home and sharing space with a roommate can be an uncomfortable thought for some incoming freshmen. 然而, NDSU has several resources to make sure first-year students have a positive residence life experience. 

瑞恩·斯文森和泰勒·赫克曼, who met through NDSU’s roommate matching website prior to starting classes, were both nervous with the idea of having a roommate. Those fears were quickly diminished when they got to know each other. 

Once they moved into their room in Seim Hall, Swenson and Heckman made sure they actively hung out together by participating in Welcome Week activities and attending NDSU football games.  

“If you’re just living with each other, you’re not really going to make a connection. But if you actually put in the effort in spending time with one another and actually making that bond, 我觉得这很值得,赫克曼说。, a business administration major from Eau Claire, 威斯康辛州. 

Both learned of their common interests even before moving into their residence hall through 我的大学室友, NDSU’s roommate matching software. The software allows incoming students to create a profile and complete a questionnaire to determine similar interests with other students who also have completed the process.

“It helped ease things because you get a little bit of a snapshot into the type of person they are, 喜欢他们的爱好和兴趣. We both connected over golf right away,斯文森说, a statistics and sports management double major from Lake Park, 明尼苏达州. “It gives you a little bit of an insight of what your connections are and what you have in common.”

Heckman said having the ability to connect with Swenson before becoming roommates helped create a foundation for their friendship. 

In addition to creating a bond with his roommate, Swenson said being a part of a community in their residence hall also has helped with the transition from high school to college.  

“你们几乎都是大一新生, you’re all going through the same thing, you’re all having the same experiences,他说. “This is your first time away from home, so you kind of get to know each other and bond through that right away. That helps lead to more connections and a better sense of community in the residence hall.”

Having a positive experience with their roommate has contributed to a positive first year of college for Swenson and Heckman. 

“It’s helped me with personal things in the transition to college, and it’s helped me do a lot of things that I wouldn’t have done otherwise in college,斯文森说. “我可能会躲起来, but having a roommate and having someone you can just lean on that you know is just a couple of feet away from you to help you go do more things and get out into the community really strengthens your college experience.”

Swenson and Heckman’s advice to incoming freshmen is to connect with your roommate before moving into the dorm so you both can get to know one another and plan out living arrangements that will work for both of you. 另外, Swenson and Heckman recommend incoming students actively hang out with their roommates outside of the dorm.

“My biggest piece of advice is put some effort in,” Heckman said. “I feel like it’s really easy for incoming freshmen to think that everything’s going to be perfect with their roommate and you’re going to be best friends instantly, 但这仍然需要努力. Not only having that preparation before, 奠定基础, but also putting that effort into spending time with them and making that bond.”

Learn more about Tyler and Rylan’s story by visiting on the official NDSU YouTube频道

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